11 Shocking Home Electrical Safety Tips

Sparks fly, a couch burns and the rest of us get some critical lessons in dealing with circuit breakers and electrical fires. Source: 11 Shocking Home Electrical Safety Tips … Listen to your breaker. A breaker that trips immediately after it’s reset is telling you that there’s an electrical problem. Sure, sometimes the breaker itself is to blame, and in some cases there may just be too large an electrical load operating on that circuit. But it’s more likely that the breaker is tripping because there’s a severe electrical problem. Keep pressing that breaker, and you’re likely to cause a fire. Know when to fight and when to flee. Firefighters recommend that if you have any doubt about fighting a fire, you’re best bet is to get out of the house as quickly as possible. Once you’re safely outside, call the fire department. If you decide that there’s a reasonable chance that you can fight a fire and win, then […]

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