Home Safety – Electrical Safety

Home Safety: Electrical Safety According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the National Electrical Safety Foundation, every year incidents involving electrical equipment, such as extension cords, receptacles, and light bulbs, result in more than 41,000 residential fires that claim about 350 lives and cause over 1,400 injuries. These fires also cause more than $620 million in property damage annually. Extension Cord Safety Never run an extension cord under a rug. Do not consider extension cords part of your home’s electrical system—use them only for temporary situations. A frayed or cracked cord could cause a shock or fire. Replace old and damaged extension cords. Make sure the cords you buy are approved by an independent testing laboratory. Never overload an extension cord; that could cause a fire. Check the rating labels on the cords and the appliance. If necessary, upgrade to a higher-rated cord. Source: Consumer Product Safety Commission   Receptacle Safety Receptacles are inexpensive. Replace any that are […]

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Home Electrical Safety

Home Electrical Safety In today’s world, families live life on the go. With all the running around, we often put household projects on the back burner. One project that should not be put off is evaluating the electrical safety of your home. There is no time like the present to take a good look around your home and make the necessary changes to eliminate electrical hazards that can potentially lead to fires or electric shock. Learning the difference between GFCIs and AFCIs is a great place to start. Below are some highly useful facts & tips to consider: Evaluating Electrical Safety in Your Home A good start is to take inventory of the outlets both inside and outside your home. If you do not have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlets in areas that contain exposure to water or which are prone to dampness the home may not be as safe as it could be. Remember that electricity and water […]

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